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Ostoskorisi on tyhjä
Ostoskorisi on tyhjä
🚚 Delivery in 3 - 6 days within Europe
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Ostoskorisi on tyhjä
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Olen käyttänyt Forest Riotin voidetta ja öljyä hankalaan ja pitkään jatkuneeseen allergiaan, joka ilmenee kämmenissä ja sormissa. Molemmat tuotteet ovat toimineet paremmin kuin mikään aikaisemmin kokeilemani voide! Aiemmin kutisevat rakkulat vaikeuttivat merkittävästi arkea, mutta nyt tilanne on ihan eri. En luopuisi näistä tuotteista mistään hinnasta!
I love natural cosmetics and especially those that give me extra care for my skin. I like their INCIS to be clean and at the same time very sensory products.
In this brand I have found everything together. In addition to having a texture that my skin loves.
Highly recommended. It has been
A great discovery
I've been trying this skincare set (mask, oil, and face cream) made with forest ingredients, and it's a game changer! It’s really helped with my dry skin and even the psoriasis on my elbows. The mask refreshes, the oil is nourishing but not greasy, and the face cream keeps my skin soft and hydrated. Perfect for anyone with sensitive skin!
I was skeptical at first, now I have used it for about a week and wow what a progress! I still have eczema on my hands but it’s not itching and I think it starting to heal up. I got a eczema rash on my elbow and I used it, day 2 now and it’s starting to calm down and I think, go away. Currently starting to test it on my face eczema now. I’m looking forward on this product!
If you planning to test it! Do it! The only “negative” thing is that you have to really get the product out or else you may look a little dirty on the face because of the black dots, but that is no problem! BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!!!
Its worth a try!! Im on my second order now and also started using the oil. I have used steroid cream 2 times since I started using this cream. And thats only because I was too afraid to quit the steroids in the beginning! I have Weeping eczema and atopic eczema. I have used steroid cream on my hands for almost 1,5 years straight, because its been so bad! But since I started using this cream I stopped, and its actually gotten better!! I still get outbreaks, but the cream calms my skin :) As for my face its the same thing. I have gotten some of my confidence back.
I use the cream morning and night. Sometimes I put on some extra only on eczema if I feel like it is getting inflammed, and it calms my skin.
Absolutely recommend this cream for people with eczema. It IS worth a try!